The Friesian (January/February 2020)
/Frederik of Boonstra Friesians
Champion Youth Colt
Owned by Mark & Martha Boonstra
Michigan Inspection
Photo by Lori Ann Thwing
PHRYSO MAGAZINE - October 11, 2023
“The four-year-old Kroon mare Janneke – last year's day champion – also had a very nice day. The mare of Mark and Martha Boonstra achieved an IBOP score of 78.5 points with Kai Zijlstra in the saddle. She thus obtained her AA predicate, which allowed the Provisional Crown mare to receive her definitive Crown. A mare with a wide, active walk and a beautiful carriage in the trot,' says Jan Hellinx. 'She is upward and has good use of her hind legs. She could have a little more jump in the canter.' Janneke is of a proportionate build, has a good breed type and a expressive head. She could have a slightly longer line. 'Also in hand, she has an upward trot and is very light-footed, allowing her to switch gears a bit more. Her walk is easy with a lot of tact.”
PHRYSO MAGAZINE - October 9, 2023
“The reserve overall championship [at the Shipshewana keuring] went to three-year-old Marissa B. (Tiede 501 x One 376), who was declared Provisional Crown by judges Jan Helix and Frans Smits.”
“The reserve championship was won by the only three-year-old with a first premium. the beautiful breed-typical Marissa B. (Tiede 501 x One 376), with her long-legged build and strong toppling, was also awarded Provisional Crown in addition to Star. the mare, bred and owned by Mark and Martha Boonstra, walks very easily over the back with good tact and flexibility. ‘She takes wide steps at the trot.’ “
PHRYSO MAGAZINE - September 14, 2022
Janneke of Boonstra Friesians Voorlopig Kroon (Tiede 501 x Doaitsen 420) is de fokdagkampioen geworden van de keuring in Ionia, Michigan. Algeheel reservekampioen werd Adeline-Christina fan Thunderhill Kroon AA (Sape 381 x Mintse 384), met een eervolle vermelding voor de nummer drie: Felicity fan ‘e Performa Kroon AA (Julius 486 x Mintse 384).
Maar er was een merrie die nog over deze twee prachtige oudere merries ging: de driejarige Janneke of Boonstra Friesians (Tiede 501 x Doaitsen 420) van Mark en Martha Boonstra. Janneke kreeg over de hele linie hoge cijfers, met vooral een sterke stap. Ze werd op kop geplaatst van de rubriek driejarigen waar Khloerstje (Tjalbert 460 x Nanning 374) op de tweede plek kwam met een Ster tweede premie. In de kampioenskeuring verdiende Janneke Voorlopig Kroon én het algeheel kampioenschap. ‘Ze is heel jeugdig, had de beste stap en de beste draf van alle paarden, in beweging was ze duidelijk de beste van de dag’, aldus Wil Thijssen.
Janneke of Boonstra Friesians Provisional Kroon (Tiede 501 x Doaitsen 420) has become the breeding day champion of the inspection in Ionia, Michigan. Overall reserve champion was Adeline-Christina fan Thunderhill Kroon AA (Sape 381 x Mintse 384), with an honorable mention for the number three: Felicity fan 'e Performa Kroon AA (Julius 486 x Mintse 384).Janneke: best walk and trot of the day
But there was a mare who was still over these two beautiful older mares: the three-year-old Janneke of Boonstra Friesians (Tiede 501 x Doaitsen 420) of Mark and Martha Boonstra. Janneke received high marks across the board, with a particularly strong step. She was placed at the top of the three-year-old class where Khloerstje (Tjalbert 460 x Nanning 374) came in second with a Ster second premium. In the championship inspection, Janneke earned Provisional Crown and the overall championship. "She is very youthful, had the best walk and trot of all horses, in movement she was clearly the best of the day," says Wil Thijssen.
Dirk - “The Husband Horse”
Bringing a Keuring back to Michigan wasn't an easy task but it happened with a lot of hard work and planning. . . . Gathering friends, family and fellow Friesian horse owners, they planned and conducted a successful event that provided an opportunity to educate, judge and promote the breed in "an atmosphere that was relaxed and mutually supportive," according to Mark Boonstra who brought his 2nd premie Champion Youth colt Frederik of Boonstra Friesians.
Frederik of Boonstra Friesians
Champion Youth Colt
Owned by Mark & Martha Boonstra
Michigan Inspection
Photo by Lori Ann Thwing
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